Yearbooks are a way for many to remember the moments they shared in school, and the people they shared those moments with. Having a dull yearbook that doesn’t represent your school and your graduating class will only lessen the long lasting emotions from this book, so choosing the perfect yearbook layout and yearbook design is extremely important.

Yearbook Design

Yearbook design might be the most important factor within the entire process. You must be extremely open-minded with the overall design, and not limit yourself to anything.  One of the best ways to start thinking of design options is to pass out a survey to all the grade levels within your school. Start polling the results and see if anything is overlapping with many of the responses. Yearbooks are generally segmented by grade so you could have a different yearbook design for each grade section depending on the responses. 

Another direction you could go with your yearbook design would be to think of 5 to 10 of the biggest events that have taken place during the school year and decide which events can be portrayed on paper. Choosing the biggest events will bring back great memories when someone connects with the yearbook in five, ten, or even 30 years down the road.

Yearbook Layout

Yearbook layout goes hand and hand with yearbook design, and when both done correctly you will have a yearbook to remember. There are many things that go into yearbook layout but here are a few of the more important ones:

-Each page should only have one main topic. Don’t try to fit multiple themes and things onto a single page because it will seem cluttered

-Don’t be afraid to leave white space. White space can make an image stand out even more sometimes.

-Don’t mix to many fonts onto the same page. Its best to use one main font per page or your book can start to look unprofessional

Follow this quick tips and suggestions and you will be on a great start to making a yearbook that will always be remembered, and reflective of your graduating class!